The Reinventing Civil Defense Project is happy to announce we are soliciting a second round of proposals for funding. This is to develop sub-projects that will help to increase our understanding of the possibilities of raising nuclear salience.
You can read the current request for proposals (RPF) here: https://reinventingcivildefense.org/projects/rfp/
Submissions are due by 5:00PM EST on Monday, November 5, 2018. Please feel free to submit earlier or get in touch earlier, if desired.
A discussion of the intentions of these sub-projects can be found in the post about the previous RFP found here. A description of projects funded by the previous RFP can be found here. This should not be taken as an indication of the full range of possible projects we might fund, but it does give some sense of what a successful proposal in the past looked like, and the dollar amounts associated with them.
While all manners of projects may still be submitted, for this round we are especially interested in projects that involve new media (broadly construed).
Communications and questions about this should be addressed to reinventingcivildefense@stevens.edu. Please feel free to distribute this RFP broadly.
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